What is Yoga Therapy, and how does it work?

 Yoga therapy is the process of empowering people to improve their health and well-being through the application of Yoga principles and practices.

 Essentially, yoga therapy is the use of yoga practices to treat physical and mental health issues with the goal of increasing self-care and overall well-being. While yoga as a whole attempts to educate the body and mind and hence has therapeutic potential, yoga therapy at Jindal naturecure focuses on employing specific yoga practices and their recognised benefits to help alleviate or heal mental and physical problems.

 Yoga treatment has become so popular in recent years that many doctors are now endorsing it. Yoga's multi-tiered advantages have been documented in a number of medical journals. Similarly, people working in the mental health profession frequently offer yoga to their patients or incorporate components of it into their practice.

 What is the Purpose of Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy at Jindal Hospital Bangalore combines the client's individual and specific health demands with yogic practices that have been found to have specific healing effects by both the yoga tradition and medical research. There are extremely particular yoga poses and postures for strengthening and supporting the back, as well as easing the symptoms of a herniated disc, for example. Similarly, there are mild, specialized techniques of regulating the nervous system and supporting the restoration of bodily awareness with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Specific yoga poses can be utilized to lessen heightened sensory stimulation and increase emotional regulation in people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.


Breathing techniques, postures, meditation, relaxation techniques, and the development of behavioral changes may be included in sessions.


Yoga Therapy can be used to address a variety of mental health issues.






     Eating Illnesses



     Postpartum Depression

     Situations Physical

     Back ache

     Musculoskeletal conditions


     High Blood Pressure (HBP)





     Alzheimer's Disease and Brain Injury

     Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

     Diseases of the Autoimmune System



     Heart Problems




Reasons why you should attend yoga therapy


Here are five compelling reasons to attempt yoga therapy:


     You wish to discover a transforming way to practice self-care by connecting more with your mind, body, and spirit. Yoga therapy takes it a step further by asking us to listen to ourselves deeply. Varied motions, breathing exercises, and meditations have different effects on our body. When we start to listen attentively and discover what works well for our individual constitution, we can improve our self-care practice. 

     You're seeking for a more liberating option than studio classes. Studio classes aren't usually available to all students, unless they're led by a highly experienced instructor. Yoga therapy would be a terrific alternative for you if you've had trouble finding a studio class that meets your specific health needs. 

     You're unable to fully participate in a typical yoga session due to an injury or illness. Yoga therapy allows you to totally modify your yoga practice to fit your needs. Yoga therapy allows you to practice in a way that matches your body, whether you're dealing with a medical disease, mental health issues, or a crippling injury. 

     You want to start an at-home yoga practice with accountability and support so that you can include yoga into your daily life. Consistent, daily practice provides the greatest benefit. A yoga therapist can assist you in developing a home practice that will help you achieve health and success in your life off the mat. 

     You wish to feel more connected to your feminine power. Much of the yoga we practice now is derived from exclusively male lineages that were created to nurture and discipline the bodies of 15-year-old boys. As a result, many yoga techniques (both physically and energetically) are quite masculine in nature, which can lead to a variety of imbalances, particularly in the feminine form. Yoga therapy has the capacity to adapt yoga practices in order to empower women's bodies, minds, and hormone cycles.

While yoga therapy is beneficial to everybody, regardless of physical restrictions, it is not a substitute for medical guidance. Yoga therapy and western medicine work together to heal and see all aspects of a person. Do you want to give it a shot? Visit Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore.

Also Read - Jindal Hospital- Nature Cure and Obesity



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